June 2018

Posted by Karen Damskey on 6/1/2018 to Sweater of the Month
Celebration time! Summer kicks off this month and we are looking forward to one filled with knitting events. Many think that because it’s summer, knitting is dead. Nonsense. This is the best time to knit and don’t leave home without it.

As travel gears up, so do long waits in airports.  You can feel extra smug when you glance around at fellow travelers with looks of stress on their faces as they watch thunderstorms delay them in Chicago, flight cancellations in New York and boredom on transatlantic flights. You know what I’m talking about. As long as you have knitting or crochet spilling off your needles all is right in your world.

As we continue this year celebrating our 40th, I continue to think of the wealth I experience daily. Recently at a meeting someone suggested that if you don’t love coming to work every day and thoroughly enjoy the experience then you don’t belong there. I can wholeheartedly crow that I belong here. Yes, there are days when we’ve missed an order, forgotten to write a much-needed pattern, or God forbid, no one walks through our doors. These days are quickly absorbed by all of the wonderful days. The days when a knitting disaster turns into the best sweater ever, or my favorite when someone I haven’t seen in 10 years walks through the door or calls and just like a lifetime friendship; no time seems to have passed and we resume discussing the red sweater started 12 years ago and still needing attention.

Yes, my friends it is all about you….and me….and us. Together, along with Theresa, Robyn, Marisol, Meredith, Mike, Bettina and the many other wonderful L’Atelier staff, who have played with us over the years, we make experience. We have a place for you and in turn there is a place for us. We welcome you, whenever and however you choose to play. Take a place at the table or engage the phone or email. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.



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