DESIRABLE -October 2023 SOM
Broken Lattice Pattern Multiple of 6 +1
Row 1: (RS) P1, *yo, k3, k2tog, p1* repeat between *’s
Row 2: K1, *p2tog, p2, yo, p1, k1* repeat between *’s
Row 3: P1, *k2, yo, k1, k2tog, p1*, repeat between *’s
Row 4: K1, *P2tog, yo, p3, k1*repeat between *’s
Row 5: P1, *ssk, k3, yo, p1* repeat between *’s
Row 6: K1, * P1, yo, p2, p2tog tbl, k1*, repeat between *’s
Row 7: P1, *ssk, k1, yo, k2, p1* repeat between *’s
Row 8: K1, *p3, yo, sl1, p2tog tbl, pass the slip stitch over, p1* repeat between *’s
Repeat these 8 rows for pattern
Swedish Block Pattern (Multiple of 6 +2)
Row 1: (RS) K2, *p4, k2* repeat between *’s
Row 2: P2, *k4, p2 * repeat between *s
Rows 3, 5 and 7: P2, *k4, p2* repeat between *’s
Rows 4, 6 and 8: K2, *p4, k2* repeat between *’s
Shape Armholes: Change to Color C and work in Reverse st st, binding off 6 sts at the armhole edge, once. Then bind off 0(0, 0, 3, 4, 5) sts at the armhole edge, once. Then dec 1 st at the armhole edge every other row 5(5, 6, 6, 5, 5) times.
mmerati, and Symphony, join together in harmony to create fascinating modular units that join at the waistline to create subtle diamonds. Go tonal, as we did with Anniversary Stuff, soft teal Symphony and soft plum shimmerati, or ramp up the pattern with more contrast. between markers, work 3 needle bind off on rem sts.
WINTER DANCE -November 2020 SOM
Ruffles: ...Then continue in Lace pattern, beginning with Row 2, and work for 4 pattern repeats, change to #10 1/2 needles and work 1 more pattern repeat.
Change to Colors D and E run together and work 1 complete pattern repeat. Change to Color C and continuing on #10 ½ needles work 2 more repeats, then change to size 15 needles and work 2repeats, then work 1 repeat thru row 6. Piece should measures appx 34(34, 36)”. If not add appropriate # of
LOVE YOU MORE -Holiday 2020
With #7 needles or size to get gauge, cast on 116 sts in Color A, then purl the row back, then beginning with row 1 of 60 stitch chart, work back ground in A and working the first color of Jade Sapphire in your progression, carrying both yarns through the first 60, sts, then work the remaining 56 sts in Color A, continue in this manner working through the graph, changing to B where indicated, and then working the 56 sts in Color B as well...
Sleeves: With #7 needles or size to get gauge and Marmel cast on 42(42, 42, 42, 49, 49) sts and work 3 rows of knit, then change to the Traveling rib pattern increasing 1 st each side every 10(10, 8,7, 7,7)th then alternating 0(0, 9, 8, 8, 8)th row a total of 11(12, 14, 16, 16, 16)times. AT THE SAME TIME, when sleeve measures 7 ¾(8, 8, 8 8 ½, 8 ½)”, change to Alfa and continue working the sleeve as set including the increases. When sleeve measures 17(17 ½, 17 ½, 17 ½, 18, 18)” or desired length to underarm, shape cap: Bind off 5 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows, then bind off 0(0, 2, 3, 3, 4)sts at the beg of the next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each side every other row until the cap...
1st Set Rib Rows
Row 1: (WS), Slip 1 wyib, K1, (p1, k1) twice, P1, (K6, P6) 15(16, 18, 20, 22, 23) times, K6, P1, (k1, p1) twice, sl1, wyif, p1.
Row 2: (RS): Slip 1 wyib, P1,K1, (p1, k1)twice, P6, (K6, P6) 15(16, 18, 20, 22, 23) times, K1, (p1, k1)twice, slip 1 wyif, p1.
Repeating these 2 rows for pattern, continue until pc measures 1 ½”, ending on a RS row, change to Color C and work as follows:
2nd Set Rib Rows
Row 1: (WS) Slip 1 wyib, k1, (p1, k1) twice, P1, (P6, K6) 15(16, 18, 20, 22, 23) times, P6, p1, (k1, p1)twice, sl 1, wyif, p1.
Row 2: (RS) Slip 1 wyib, p1 k1, (p1, k1)twice, K6, (P6, K6) 15(16, 18, 20, 22, 23) times, K1, (p1, k1)twice, slip 1 wyif, p1.
Left Front: With #15 needles or size to get gauge, cast on 63(65, 67, 69, 71) sts. Purl 1 row on the WS. On the next row (RS), work Two-stitch selvage, 1 st in Reverse st st, 57(59, 61, 63, 65)sts in St st, 1 st in Reverse st st, two-stitch selvage. Continue in pattern as established and shape side edge as follows: Work full-fashioned dec 2, dec 1 st at the beg of the 6th row from the cast on, then every 2nd then alternating 4th row a total of 14 times. When pc measures 2(12, 12 ½, 12 ½, 12)” from the cast on edge, shape armhole: Using Full Fashioned Decrease 1, dec 1 st at the beg of the next 4 RS rows. 44(46, 48, 50, 52)sts, ending on a WS row. When front matches back to shoulder edge, on the next RS row, bind off 11(13, 15, 15, 17 sts work the remaining sts in st st.
Back:…Then on the next RS row, work 2 additional stitches in B combo, K2tog in A and then knit across the row to within 4 sts of the B combo, K2tog in A, work 2 additional sts in B combo and continue to end of the row in B, for a total of 10(11, 12, 12, 14,17) times. 70(74, 86, 96, 100, 108) stitches. On the next RS row…
Left Front: With #10 needles and Color A cast on 56 (60, 68, 72, 78, 86)sts and work in st st until pc measures 3”. On the next RS row, work 1 stitch in B doubled, run tog, with one strand of the Nirvana(3 strands total).
Sleeves: With #9 needles and Color A cast on 16(18, 18, 19, 19, 20) sts with one ball of yarn, then cast on a second set of 16(18, 18, 19, 19, 20) sts with a second ball of Color A, then working each set separately on the same needle continue in st st for 3(3 ½, 3 ½, 3 ½, 4, 4)”.
Left Front: With #11 needles or size to get gauge, cast on 32(36, 38, 42, , 46)50, sts and work in K2, P2 ribbing for 2” increasing 4 evenly across the last row to 36(40, 42, 46, 50)54 sts On the next RS row, work 13(15, 17, 21, 23)27 sts in st st and place a marker, then insert the cable pattern over the next 17 sts, place marker, then work the rem 6(8, 8, 8, 10)10 sts and AT THE SAME TIME, and continue decreasing 1 st at the side edge only every 16(16, 16, 12, 11)11TH row 7(7, 7, 9, 10)10 times. Continue working the cable pattern between the markers for the entire piece. When pc measures 30(30½, 30, 31, 30 ½, )30”, or same length as back to underarm, shape armhole: bind off 4 sts at the beg of the next side edge row, then bind off 0(0, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4)6 sts at the beg of the next side edge row, then dec 1 st at same side edge every other row 4 times. When armhole measures 8(8 ½, 9, 9 ,9 ½, )10”, bind off.
KEEP IT COOL -SND June 19, 2019
Back: With #11 needles or size to get gauge, and Color A cast on 44(50, 56, 64)68 sts and work K1, *p1, k1 * repeat between *’s ending K1. (this is a WS row). Then change to striping pattern above, always the selvage stitches as indicated above and inc using full fashioned increases (3 sts in from each side edge) every row, 10 times, then every other row 4 times, then every 7th row 3 times. 78(84, 90, 96)102 sts. Break Color C and beginning with a WS row, and Color A only work in st st and continue to increase 1 st each side every 8th row 4 more times. 86(92, 98, 104)110 sts. When pc measures 15 2/3”
Sleeve Pattern StitchNote amount of stitches do not remain constant on every rowRow 6: K2tog, k3, yo, p2tog-b, yo, k1, yo, p2tog, k1, p2tog-b, (yo, k1, p2tog) twice, k4
Left Back: With # 6 needles or size to get gauge and Beaded Silk & Sequins Light, cast on 60(64, 72, 78,
Left Front: Work as for Left back until pc measures 12 ½(13 ½, 13, 13 ½, 14 ”) including the roll. Shape armhole: Bind off 5 sts at the beg of the next RS row, then dec 1 st at this same edge every other row 5(5, 6, 7, 7) times. When armholes measure 4 ½(5, 5 ½, 6, 6 ½)”, shape neck: On the next WS row, work 3 sts, bind off 27(27, 32, 38, 38)sts and then work the rem sts. Working with 2 separate balls of yarn, bind off 2 sts each side of neck once and 1 st each side every other row 3 times. On one neck edge you will only be able to do this last instruction 1 time as you will be out of sts on the inside neck edge. When armhole measures 7 ½(8, 8 ½, 9, 9 ½)”, bind off.
Right Front: Work as for Right Back, until pc measures 14 ½(16, 15 ½, 16, 16 ½)” shape armhole: Bind off 5 sts at the beg of the next RS row, then dec 1 st at this same side edge every other row 5(5, 6,7,7) times. AT THE SAME TIME, when armholes measure 5(5 ½, 6, 6 ½, 7)”, dec 1 st at the front neck edge every other row 2 times. When armhole measures 7 ½(8, 8 ½, 9, 9 ½)”, bind off.
Row 5: K2, * K1, ssk, yo, k2, p1, k2, yo, k2 tog, * ending K1.
Row 7: K1, *yo, sl 1, k2tog, pass the slip st over the k2tog, yo, K3, p1, k3, *repeat between *’s ending K1.
Fern Lace Pattern row 7 has an extra stitch. Should read:
Row 1: (RS) Knit 13Row 2: P13Row 3: K4tog, (yo, k1)5 times, yo, K4 togRow 4: P13
Left Sleeve: Work as for right sleeve until pc measures 17(17 ½, 18)18”, or desired length to underarm, then inc 1 st each side every other row 4 times. On the next RS row, cast on 86(91,96)96 sts at the end of the row, then cast on 86(91,96 )96 sts at the end of the next WS row. Work 3 rows of st st, then work in Pattern 1 beginning with row 1. Work in pattern 1 until pc measures 3 ¾(4 ¼,4 ¾)5” “ from the cast on sts ending on a pattern row 2. Shape Neck: Being sure you are on a RS row, bind off the center 6 sts, work to the end of the row, then working on this section only which is the front section beginning on the WS row, work to last 3 sts, W&T, work to to end of row; Work to the last 4 sts, W&T, work to end of row; Work to last 7 sts, W&T, work to end, work to last 8 sts, W&T, On the next RS row, bind off all sts, Working a WS Row, reattach yarn on the back side of the neck, bind off 2 sts at the beg of the next 6rows. Bind off NY rem sts.Finishing: Lightly steam all pieces. Fold Left sleeve in half at the shoulder. Seam Left Sleeve to body of sweater, leaving 3” below body
Should read:
Gauge*: 16 sts and 20 rows in st st using at least 4 colors of the Progression 4 rows each to make the sample on #10 needles or size to give gauge
On the next RS row work the first 38(40, 42)sts in Reverse st st with 2 strands of A held tog and the rem 22(24, 26) sts in st st with 1 strand of Color B and Color C held together. Work as set until pc measures 21 1/4 (22 ¾, 24 ½)” from the beg.
Gauge: 19 sts and 26 rows = 4” on size #8 needles with both yarns run together.
Sleeves: With size 8 needles or size to give gauge, cast on 34(36, 38)sts and work 1 row of knit on the WS. Then continue in st st increasing 1 st each side every 9(9,8)th then alternating 10(10,9)th row a total row 11(12, 13) times. AT THE SAME TIME...
Back and Right Front: ...until pc measures 16(17 ½, 17 ½)19”, ending on a WS row. On the next RS row with color A and work 1 row of purl across the row, Then change to Color B and inc 38(33, 34)36 sts evenly across the WS row in knit. To 177(200, 2130227 sts. Then continue in Reverse st st making this next row a purl and binding off 2 sts at the beg of this row, then work to last 99(115, 121)132 sts. These are the sts for the back of the garment.
Working these 99(115, 121)132 sts only, bind off 6 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each side every other row 5(5, 6)7 times. When armholes measure 8(8 ½ , 8 1/2)9 ½”, bind off rem sts. Then picking up the remaining 76(83, 90)93 Right Front sts work as follows to shape the neck: Bind off 2 sts at the beg of the next RS (purl) row 13(13, 14)15 times. Then dec 1 st at front neck edge every row 9)11, 12)16 times. Then dec 1 st at front neck edge every other row 6(8, 8)7 times. ALSO, AT THE SAME TIME, shape armhole. On the next WS row (knit), bind off 6 sts, then dec 1 st at this same side edge only every other row 5(5, 6)7 times. When armholes measure 8(8 ½, 8 ½)9”, bind off rem sts.
Left Front: ...shape armhole: Bind off 6 sts at the beg of the next armhole edge row, then dec 1 st at this same armhole edge every other row 5(5, 6)7 times.
FREEDOM - SND June 30,2013
Row 7 is a purl row
Pattern on the Front: Row 5: K1, [P1, K2]2(3, 5)6 times, K2, yo twice, slip 1, k1, psso, k2, (p1, K2)2 times, P1, K1, K2tog, yo twice, k2, P1, K2
Row 7: K1, [P1, K2] 2(3, 5)6 times, K3, yo twice, slip 1, k1, psso, k1, (p1, K2)2 times, P1, K2tog, yo twice, k3, P1 K2
Row 9: K1, [P1, K2] 2(3, 5)6 times, K4, yo twice, slip 1, k1, psso, (p1, K2)2 times, K2tog, yo twice, k4, P1, K2. Right Front: Row 5: K2, P1, k2, yo twice, slip 1, k1, psso, K1, P1, [K2, P1] 2 times, K2, K2tog, yo twice, K2, [K2, P1] 2(3, 5)6 times, K1. Row 7: K2, P1, K3, yo twice, slip 1, k1, psso, P1, [K2, P1] 2 times, k1, k2tog, yo twice, K3, [K2, P1] 2(3, 5)6 times, K1 Row 9: K2, P1, K4, yo twice, slip 1, k1, psso, [K2, P1]2 times, k2tog, yo twice, k4, [K2, P1] 2(3, 5)6 times, K1
On the Back: then change to pattern st, keeping the first and last 7(0, 4)6 sts in st st and working these sts as to knit on row 4.
Left Front: With #9 needles and Color B cast on 36(40, 44)48 sts, then continue with existing pattern.
13. K1, *[Y/O, K2 TOG], Repeat * across row, knit last st. 14. Knit 3 rows.15. Repeat #13 and #14 two more times16. Work in St st for 12 rows.
17. K1, *[Y/O, K2 TOG], Repeat * across row, knit last st.18. Purl 2 rows.19. Work in St st until Stockinet section measures 19” ending on a right side.20. Place on stitch holder and set aside.
21. Make 2nd piece and keep on needle.22. With size 15 needle, do a 3 needle bind off.23.Weave in tails.
August 2010 SOTM - "Insider Trading"
Body: ... Work this decrease every 8th row 4 times. AT THE SAME TIME, when pc measures 11(12 ½, 12 ½)13”, change to Color C and work until pc measures 13 ½”(14, 14)15”. Then change to Color D and work until pc measures 14 ½(15 ½, 15 ½)17”. Change to Color then change to Color A and work until pc measures 16(17 ½, 17)18 ½”. Divide for armholes: Work to 2nd marker ....
May 2010 SOTM -"Outer Limits"Right Front Instruction: Row 2: (RS), P12(16, 18)18, sl 1, P6(8, 8)10, cable over next 10, P19(21, 23)25, slip 1, K5
Boccilo Cowl With #15 needles cast on 29 sts and work in pattern stitch …Stitch is a multiple of 14 +1Row 1: WS Purl
Row 2: K1, *yo, K3, ssk, yo, sl1--K2tog-- psso, yo, k2tog, k3, yo, k1* repeat between *’s
Cloud Nine BagAfter felting the bottom of the bag: 5. Using single strand of Tinka and tapestry needle, whip stitch around base, making stitches about ¼” apart. (A “whip stitch” wraps around the edge of the felted piece by coming around, down through the top of the fabric, and around the edge up and over, again and again. Alternative to whip stitch – knit directly into bottom of felted piece, between ridges, by sticking your needle through the felting, wrap your stitch, pull it through, repeat.)
Child’s Honey Bee Hat Cast on 48sts (approx 14” to 15” head), or 52sts, (approx16” to 17” head) Follow Blendie Pattern above through out the entire hat at the same time following the Bee Hive pattern of knitting 3 rows, purling 3 rows.
L’Atelier 2009 October Sweater of the Month -"Runway Style"
Back: (4TH PARAGRAPH) Then set up rib as follows:Row 1: P7, *K1, P7,* repeat between *’s ending P6Row 2: K6, *P1,K7, * repeat between *’s to end.
L’Atelier 2009 June Sweater of the Month -"Whimsy"
Finishing:This wrap has a “front” and “back”. Lay out the two knitted pieces with bound off edges together. Sew bound off edges together half way down to create back of wrap. Other half remains open to create fronts.12. Sew sleeves by laying garment out flat, folded in half lengthwise - with a front and back, then measure down from top what width or opening size that you want for your sleeve. Size Small Sample is 14” opening or 7” down from top. Start sewing 7” from front center. Suggest for medium a 15” opening {7½” down} and 9” from center, and large 16” opening {8” down} 10” from center). Using matching yarn, do comfortable running stitch from center to end of “sleeve” and back again.
L’Atelier 2009 August Sweater of the Month -“A Star is Born”Rib and Welt Diagonal StitchRow 5: K1 *p5, k1, p1, k1; repeat from * ending p5, k1, p1.