Stash Buster Volume 1
Stash Buster Volume 1

Stash Buster Volume 1

Free to Everyone!
Ready for download

6 free patterns to help bust through your stash of yarn. Lay out your colors into a progression that is pleasing to you. Then write the yarn and the color # in the boxes provided. This is your road map. Some yarns may need to be doubled or tripled. EXPERIMENT! This is your masterpiece.

Upon purchase, you will receive a confirmation email for your order. At the bottom of this email there will be a download link. Click to retrieve your file. Download link is good for 1 week after purchase date.

Looking for help knitting or getting yarn for this project?Please call us at 1-800-833-6133 during normal business hours and speak with an associate. They will be happy to help you with any of your knitting needs.


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